Wrangler Smart Horsemanship

Rodger believes in a Wise Creator. God’s creation is ordered and structured and one of God’s designs is that humans and horses were created to work together, to team, learn and grow with one another. As humans, we are responsible for gaining understanding of the horse, caring for his needs and health and through understanding be able to train up a horse for a life of partnership and mutual blessings. Horses are born with a desire to cooperate, work as a team, learn and give. Rodger’s work with horses is firmly based on the way God has created man and horse to work together. As Rodger worked with horses as a wrangler, he developed a Wrangler Smart philosophy going deeper to really process into the heart and mind of the horse. The Wrangler Smart Way focuses on what works to build a safe, confident and healthy horse and rider

Big Pine Ranch

In  the Meadows of Pleasant Valley right next to Pleasant Creek surrounded by mountains, with its giant Sugar Pine,  is Big Pine Ranch. With the meadows, creek crossings, woods, trails, arena, round pen,  Big Pine Ranch offers the perfect place for Wrangler Smart  Horsemanship Riding  School. Big Pine Ranch, 2683 Pleasant Creek Road,
Rogue River Oregon 97537

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